Men's swimsuit Finis Rival Jammer White

Men's swimsuit Finis Rival Jammer White

Finis Finis
299,60 €
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Product description

The Rival racing swimsuit from Finisu will bring you one step closer to your dream victory. They're packed with cutting-edge technologies that will boost your performance and increase your speed as you swim.

The Rival elite racing swimsuit is designed to meet three essential requirements: compression, durable construction and comfort.

The construction of this swimsuit uses two fabrics: a stretch fabric in one direction to increase compression, while another stretch fabric in the other direction ensures optimal range of motion. This combination of two fabrics supports the work of the muscles and increases their efficiency. The seams of the swimsuit are strategically placed to hold the two fabrics tightly together and increase the compression properties of the swimsuit in their respective areas.

All this also means that the swimsuit reduces water resistance, thus increasing the hydrodynamics of the swimmer's body. The hydrophobic finish then ensures that the swimsuit is less absorbent, so that the swimsuit does not absorb too much water and therefore remains very light in the water.

Swimwear provides an advanced level of compression that ensures maximum support fo body and its stability.

The fastening string guarantees comfort. You can fasten the swimsuit by the string and you don't have to worry anymore that the swimsuit will fall down when you jump in the water.

Approved and certified by the International Swimming Federation World Aquatics. It meets all international standards and allows start at prestigious races.


Size - UK Hips cm
6XS - 20 86-90
5XS - 22 88-92
4XS - 24 90-94
3XS - 26 92-96
XXS - 28 94-98
XS - 30 96-100
S - 32 98-104
M - 34 100-108
L - 36 102-112

Measure the circumference of the hips at the widest part.


Parameter Description
Material Elastan
Features Advanced compression
Cord Fastening string
Homologation World Aquatics
Color White
on Monday 15.07. at your place
on Wednesday 10.07. at your place

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Size chart


Size - UK Hips cm
6XS - 20 86-90
5XS - 22 88-92
4XS - 24 90-94
3XS - 26 92-96
XXS - 28 94-98
XS - 30 96-100
S - 32 98-104
M - 34 100-108
L - 36 102-112

Measure the circumference of the hips at the widest part.

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Finis built its success off a monofin. The origin of the brand has been considered to be since 1993, but the founders had been involved in the development of the fins a few years earlier. Other technical products such as the central snorkel and Tech Toc began to be added alongside the monofins. The Finis brand still has many swimming gadgets used by many coaches to master swimming technique. As one of the few brands, it also produces quality swimming electronics. Its hallmarks are black and yellow products and logos.


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